

Dr. Veronica Hamilton and her Grand Rapids pediatric dental team offer the full range of dental services for your child. Click on a topic below to learn more.


The basis of sound dental care is routine cleaning and maintenance. We customize cleanings on the basis of your child’s periodontal, (gums and bone), health. Our dedicated team takes the time to explain each step of the hygiene appointment to your child, making the experience more enjoyable.

Sealants should be used as part of a child's total preventive dental care. Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings which are applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars (back teeth). Most tooth decay in children and teens occurs in these surfaces. Sealants cover the chewing surfaces to prevent decay. Applying sealants does not require drilling or removing tooth structure. It is an easy three-step process: We clean the tooth with a special toothpaste. A special cleansing liquid is applied to the tooth and is washed off. Finally, the sealant is painted on the tooth. It takes about a minute for the sealant to form a protective shield. One sealant application can last for as long as 5 to 10 years. Sealants should be checked regularly, and reapplied if they are no longer in place

Children and adults at high risk of dental decay may benefit from using additional fluoride products, including dietary supplements (for children who do not have adequate levels of fluoride in their drinking water), mouth rinses, and professionally applied gels and varnishes.


When a patient suffers from dental anxiety or dental phobia, varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized, including conscious sedation with sedatives, nitrous oxide sedation, and treatment under general anesthesia. These techniques enable patients who might otherwise avoid the dentist to receive dental treatment necessary for a healthy smile.

At Hamilton Pediatric Dentistry we currently offer the following methods of sedation for your child:

Nitrous Oxide Sedation
In one form of conscious inhalation sedation, nitrous oxide gas (also known as laughing gas) is used to induce a state of relaxation. A local anesthetic will be administered in combination with nitrous oxide sedation to eliminate pain.

General Anesthesia
This method of dental sedation refers to the use of anesthetic to render the patient unconscious. This is an option for patients who have extensive dental treatment needs and are unable to cooperate for care in our office. The patient is cared for at Corewell Health Hospitals, or in our office with a dentist anesthesiologist. This allows us to complete all your child's dental treatment in one visit. Dr. Hamilton will discuss this option with you to decide if it is the best course of treatment to meet your child's individual needs.


Did you know that The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children start seeing a dentist at age one year? At the age one dental visit, Dr. Hamilton will complete an exam, clean the child’s teeth, and review important information with you regarding your child’s habits at home.

The age one dental visit is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s habits with Dr. Hamilton, and make important changes before dental decay develops. Our goal is to provide you with information that will lead to a lifetime of oral health for your child!